We chose this year’s Dementia Action Week to launch two new grant schemes to help make life a little easier for Doncaster people who have dementia, and their carers.
DonMentia’s trustees will award small grants to local people who have a dementia diagnosis – or their carer(s) – to contribute towards the cost of paying for:
- Short breaks or holidays.
- Items, such as mobility aids or other equipment that could improve their general quality of life.
DonMentia will cover up to 50 per cent of the total cost of the request to a maximum of £500 per application. The trustees set this figure to enable more Doncaster people to benefit from the schemes.
Each application will be assessed on an individual basis at our monthly trustees’ meeting.
Applicants will be notified of the trustees’ decision as soon as possible after the meeting.
Eileen Harrington, centre, is pictured with DonMentia trustees Wayne Goddard and Michele Clarke at last week’s launch of the grant schemes.
Grant forms can be found here.
This great scheme was featured in The NHS Doncaster CCG Publication