Grants to Inspire

Donmentia supports Inspire Doncaster through our innovative community grants scheme and we are proud to announce a new Day Centre opening on September 6th 2021.

Inspire’s Day Centres proved so popular that we were in the position of needing an additional day.

From Monday 6th September they will now be offering Day Centres on a Monday as well as Tuesday and Friday and all three will run from 10 am to 2 pm at The Linney Centre, Weston Road, Balby, Doncaster, DN4 8NF. 

There is free transport to and from the centre, a light welcoming breakfast, mid-morning and afternoon snacks together with a two-course lunch for only £50 per session. Also included is a programme of stimulating activities that are physically and mentally motivating in relation to the attendees’ capabilities.

There is a lot of interest in the Monday offering, so if you are aware of someone who would benefit by attending, please get in touch to reserve their place.
For further information please contact:  
Marilyn Cockett on: 01302 770662/ 07899050622 or email:

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